Fuller waves, deeper water, uncrowded, long rides. We know what you want and where to find it.

what to expect
from OUR tourS

why choose moon tours?

MV Adora, Maldives

All-inclusive tour packages


trusted name
amongst community


coaching & SUPPORT on every tour



Snapshots of what you will enjoy


Founder, Trent Moon, specialises in high-end unique experiences. A keen SUP surfer who found a lack of options for an equally eager market of surfers in search of the perfect wave.Β Β 

We now pride ourselves on running the worlds best SUP surf trips.Β 



– Luxury abounds on the biggest and best boats in the Maldives

– Travelling further, away from crowds with a long list of great wave choices

– Sunova SUPs available and coaching on every tour

– The perfect surf trip for non surfing partners and friends

– World class diving, snorkelling and fishing

frequently asked questions

If you’ve got as far as investing in your own surf SUP’s, are reasonably confident and comfortable amongst the waves and can catching waves you’re good to go.Β Β 

Generally speaking, the Maldives offers the best option for non surfers. The boats are big, quite luxurious and the crew work well to keep non surfers as busy or relaxed as they like. Cocktails on the sundeck, flat water paddling, island walks, diving, snorkelling and fishing all available for non surfers.

Papua New Guinea is great for non surfers who love adventure. Incredible fishing and diving, beers and bon fires on the beach are the main draw cards for non surfers here.Β 

A surfer is anyone who intends to surf regardless of their ability.Β 

A non surfer is anyone not surfing in anyway but can partake in all other activities.Β 

Maldives; non surfers sharing with a surfer enjoy discounted rates up to 50% of the surfing rate depending on trip. You can find these details in the RATES tab on each trip.

Papua New Guinea; the rate is the same for surfers and non surfers.

We aim to have professional coaching available on all our Maldives trips which will be indicated on the website.Β 

In Papua New Guinea it is little bit tricky to have a coach onboard. The boat is smaller and beds limited but it is worth checking each trip online as we may offer professional coaching on occasion.Β 

Maldives; You can always bring your own board and a lot do. Especially surfers riding smaller boards and those who simply love their boards and know them well.

You also have the opportunity to leave your boards at homeΒ and use one of our SUNOVA SUP’s.Β Subject to availability we have 10 boards from 8’6 – 9’4 and are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

In any case you will be required to bring your own paddles & leg ropes.

Papua New Guinea; BYO board. We do not supply any equipment in PNG.

Every individual needs to check and confirm this with their airline of choice. Our guidance below is only based on our own experience.Β 

From our own experience we have been flying with boards up to 9’6 without any issues travelling to the Maldives with Singapore Airlines and Air Asia.Β 

Travelling to Papua New Guinea with QANTAS and Air Niugini (code share partners) we believe boards up to 9’2 are acceptable.Β 

You are never too old. Actually some our most experienced, comfortable and smooth surfers are well into their 70’s. We have clients SUP surfing of all ages, from 30 – late 70’s. If we had to put a number on it our average age client age is probably between 50 – 65

In the Maldives we take up to 12 surfing guests with some of our more exclusive trips we max out surfing guests at 10.Β 

In Papua New Guinea the most surfing guests we will ever have on board is 10.

Something that sets Moon Tours apart are the waves we go for. Unlike traditional surf trips advertising reef draining, hollow and fast waves breaking onto shallow reef we know what surfers want.Β 

Size is whatever the surf gods dish up. Generally 3-5 foot but you can’t pre-order wave size. What we can do is chose where and what we surf. Those waves are generally break in deeper water, running off into deep channels or down along side the reef offering up an easy exit. The waves are fuller as opposed to hollow and we long rides.Β 

For those wanting double overhead tubes we would suggest booking a shortboard trip and packing your SUP.Β In saying that, it is quite common that in the same area, perhaps further around the reef, choosing a deeper take off or on the other side of the channel there are those heavy shortboard style waves. So they are not out of the question but they are definitely not guaranteed.

Both Maldives and Papua New Guinea offer up spectacular scuba diving and snorkelling from onboard, bonfires and beers on deserted islands, flat water paddling, island walks, cultural experiences and great fishing.

Relax and read a book, enjoy cocktails or exercise in theΒ  Maldives on the boats rooftop sundeck or visit traditional villagers almost untouched by the modern age in Papua New Guinea.Β 

Maldives: Some tours automatically include a private cabin while all other trips you have the option to upgrade from a standard twin share.

Papua New Guinea; No private cabin is available unless you are willing to pay double the rate, effectively paying for two people.Β 

What ever the trip we try our best to pair up those sharing with who we feel are the best fit.Β 

We have a travel agent Brett Leopold who takes care of our group flights.

Brett RobinsonΒ |Β Manager

Helloworld Travel LeopoldΒ 
Shop 31, Gateway Plaza

641-659 Bellarine Hwy, Leopold, VIC, 3224

PΒ +61 (03) 5250 1210 Β Β E:Β

Just let Brett know which tour you are travelling on and he will contact us if he needs any further information.


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